QC Tool

The QC Tool allows you to conduct a detailed check of every annotation across frames. To make the process efficient, you can use the View by Group feature to check for annotation accuracy across frames.

Annotation List

When the tool loads, the annotation list on the right sidebar indicates the correction status of all listed annotations. By default, the status is always indicated as incomplete with a question mark icon.

QC Status

Upon selecting an annotation, the annotation detail panel slides open. There are selectable crosses and ticks for every corresponding detail. Based on your actions, you may encounter Below is the list of statuses you may encounter based on the annotation

a) Incomplete

When all details are left unmarked.

b) Correct

When all details are marked as correct.

c) Incorrect

This can appear in two cases:

  • When all details are marked as incorrect.

  • When one or few details are marked as incorrect and the rest, as correct.

d) Partially correct

When one or few details are marked as correct and the rest, left unmarked.

e) Partially incorrect

This can appear in two cases:

  • When one or few details are incorrect and the rest, unmarked.

  • When one or few details are incorrect, some are correct, and some are unmarked.

How to conduct QC?

  • Upon selecting an annotation, the annotation detail panel slides open. There are crosses and ticks for every corresponding detail that can be selected.

  • When you click the 'Mark unmarked as correct below' button, all the unmarked details are marked as correct. The status of the annotation on the annotation list will then reflect appropriately.

  • On clicking 'Mark unmarked as correct - across frames' over the Annotation List, all incomplete details for annotations across frames get marked as correct.

Tips for efficiency

  • Use View by Group feature to check the class and attributes in a frame and across frames for an annotation easily.

  • Mark the incorrect annotations on every frame and then click the 'Mark unmarked as correct - across frames' button over the annotation list before submitting the job. The action will ensure that all the remaining unmarked details are marked as correct across frames with just one click, saving your valuable time.

Here's a complete walkthrough of how to use the QC Tool for Images and Video

Last updated