How to set up an image or a video classification task?

Step 1: Set up Annotation Specification

  • Go to the Annotation specification section of the project.

  • Add a class Classify Frame and select the annotation type as Landmark. Also, enter 'Maximum Landmarks' as 1.

  • Add one or more attribute(s) to define the options to classify a frame. For example, the time of the day: Night or day, or weather: sunny, overcast, raining, snowing, etc.

Tips: You can set the most frequently occurring value for an attribute as a default. This will decrease the labeling effort.

Step 2: Set up the Workflow

Go to the workflow section, and create a workflow with a Classification template.

The task is now set. Now, let's see how to classify frames in GT Create

Step 3: Classify frames in GT Create

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