Tool Introduction

Image Segmentation Tools allow you to:

  • Perform full-pixel segmentation on Images using Maker Tool

  • Review the job, make edits or send the job back for re-work using the Reviewer Tool

  • Conduct quality checks for the jobs done using the QC Tool

Components of the Tools

The Maker, Reviewer and QC Tools share some common components and features along with their unique ones. Below are the ones that are common across all three:

1. Canvas

  • It is the space in which the segmented image is placed.

2. Image adjustment controls

  • There are multiple features to adjust the size, position, and quality of the image that can help you segment objects accurately or check the created segments with improved precision.

3. Header Tools

  • For a maker tool, the header has tools that provide various Selection methods.

  • For Reviewer, the header will display the options to either Edit or Reject a job.

  • For QC, the header will have a tool to Doodle and Highlight Mistakes on the canvas

4. Annotation Visibility Controls

  • Checking for Unmarked Areas: You can identify areas that are left unmarked by checking the tick mark on the ‘ Unmarked Areas’ checkbox.

  • Show/Hide Annotations: You can also check the tick mark on the ‘Annotation’ checkbox and hide all the segments on the canvas to gain a better understanding of the background.

5. View by Group

  • You can check if segments and their corresponding classes are marked correctly in a glimpse by viewing them by Class or Instance groups.

6. Class Listing

  • You can find the list of classes with and without instance on the right sidebar.

  • You can use classes with instance to create multiple instances under the parent class.

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