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Use attributes if you want to label additional information for an annotation. For example, to identify occlusion (true or false) of a car or to determine the state (walking or standing) of a pedestrian. It is only available for video and image annotation. To add an attribute, click on Add Attribute.
Use a radio button option if an attribute can have only one value at a time. For example, the state of a pedestrian should either be standing or sitting at a time, but not both.
Use a multi-select option if an attribute can have multiple values at a time. For example, a car can have both left, and right indicator lights switched on.
Use a text-area option if an attribute can have indefinite values. For example, text written on road-sign billboards.
To save your annotator's time, you can enable one of the most frequently occurring options as the default value of an attribute. The default value will be pre-selected for the attribute in GT Create, and the annotator can change it if required.