
Job viewer will allow you to view the annotated data as well as inspect it for attributes and other position-related details. You'll notice the 'next' button on the bottom right of the screen which will take you to the next Job. You can add your comments and leave feedback on the annotated data by clicking on the 'comments' right beside the 'next' button. You can provide specific feedback against each annotation by clicking on them and adding your comments there.

Understanding Job Viewer

Image Annotation

  1. Ruler - You can use this utility to quickly measure the 2D-dimension of any object in the image. This helps in ensuring that annotations are following the dimension rules set in the guidelines/instructions.

  2. Labels - Shows/hides the labels of the annotations.

  3. Annotations - Shows/hides the annotations.

  4. View by Group - View the annotations of a specific group. For eg., class name, ID, attribute, etc.

  5. Only Commented Objects - Selecting this will display only the objects where a comment has been made.

  6. List of Annotations - Displays the list of all the annotations with the total number of annotations at the top, right corner.

  7. Comments - Leave your feedback for the overall job here.

Video Annotation

  1. Ruler - You can use this utility to quickly measure the 2D-dimension of any object in the image. This helps in ensuring that annotations are following the dimension rules set in the guidelines/instructions.

  2. Labels - Shows/hides the labels of the annotations

  3. Annotations - Shows/hides the annotations

  4. View by Group - View the annotations of a specific group. For eg., any specific metadata of the annotation, ID, etc

  5. Only Commented Objects - Selecting this will display only the objects where a comment has been made

  6. Annotation Details - Shows/hides the details of the annotation

  7. Objects in Current Frame - Selecting this will display the objects annotated only in the current frame

  8. List of Annotations - Displays the list of all the annotations with the total number of annotations at the top, right corner

  9. Comments - Leave your feedback for the overall job here

Image Segmentation

  1. Doodle - Leave your feedback by marking a doodle around the specific area where the mistake is made

  2. Ruler - You can use this utility to quickly measure the 2D-dimension of any object in the image. This helps in ensuring that annotations are following the dimension rules set in the guidelines/instructions.

  3. Unmarked Areas - Shows/hides the unmarked areas of the image

  4. Annotations - Shows/hides the annotations made in the image

  5. View by Group - View the annotations of a specific group. For eg., view by instances, ID, etc

  6. Search - Search for any class

  7. Show all Classes - This will show all the classes in one click, even some classes/instances were marked as hidden individually.

  8. Classes with Instances - Displays the list of instance classes

  9. Classes without Instances - Displays the list of non-instance classes

  10. Comments - Leave your feedback for the overall job here

3D Cuboids

  1. Point Intensity - Show/hide point color based on intensity.

  2. Annotations - Shows/hides the annotations made

  3. View by Group - View the annotations of a specific group. For eg., any specific metadata of the annotation, ID, etc

  4. Only Commented Objects - Selecting this will display only the objects where a comment has been made

  5. Annotation Details - Shows/hides the details of the annotation

  6. Objects in Current Frame - Selecting this will display the objects annotated only in the current frame

  7. List of Annotations - Displays the list of all the annotations with the total number of annotations at the top, right corner

  8. Comments - Leave your comment for the overall job here

2D-3D linking

  1. Point Intensity - Show/hide point color based on intensity.

  2. Annotations - Shows/hides the annotations made.

  3. Ruler - You can use this utility to quickly measure the 2D-dimension of any object in the image. This helps in ensuring that annotations are following the dimension rules set in the guidelines/instructions.

  4. View by Group - View the annotations of a specific group. For eg., any specific metadata of the annotation, ID, etc

  5. Only Commented Objects - Selecting this will display only the objects where a comment has been made

  6. Annotation Details - Shows/hides the details of the annotation

  7. Objects in Current Frame - Selecting this will display the objects annotated only in the current frame

  8. List of Annotations - Displays the list of all the annotations with the total number of annotations at the top, right corner

  9. Comments - Leave your comment for the overall job here

Point Cloud Segmentation

  1. Unmarked Areas - Shows/hides the unmarked areas of the image

  2. Annotations - Shows/hides the annotations made in the image

  3. Class & RGB - Displays the class and the RGB code of the annotation

  4. View by Group - View the annotations either by class or instance

  5. Search - Search for any class

  6. Show all Classes - Add text here

  7. Classes with Instances - Displays the list of instance classes

  8. Classes without Instances - Displays the list of non-instance classes

  9. Comments - Leave your comment for the overall job here

Last updated