
Introduction to billing in GT studio

A much-awaited feature for billing in GT Studio is finally here. From now on, you can access billing-related details across all your projects in GT Studio itself, and google sheets for purposes such as engagement/expense tracking will be deprecated going forward.

How do you access this feature?

This feature is visible to users with an admin role.

Go to Settings --> Billing

Credit Summary section

Your Credit Summary ribbon contains:

  1. Credits consumed: Overall credits you’ve consumed over the duration of engagement with Playment

  2. Credits purchased: Overall credits you’ve purchased over the duration of engagement with Playment

  3. Credits available: Balance of overall credits available

Project-wise credit consumption can be quickly accessed via the main table on the above screen

  1. Row items in the table above would correspond to projects (linked to in-depth credit consumption history for the project) in which credits were consumed in the year selected under the Monthly usage drop-down

  2. Scroll through the table to view month-on-month credit consumption

  3. Misc. Charges will correspond to expenses that don’t necessarily correspond to annotations, such as ad-hoc development charges/etc.

  4. Additionally, you can also export yearly data to your local systems by clicking the Export CSV button

Batch wise history

Click on any project to access its batch-wise history, expandable batch-level cards contain:

  1. Created date & Committed date of delivery: batch creation date and expected date of delivery as communicated by Playment’s engagement manager

  2. Total frames: volume

  3. Submissions: number of submissions, as applicable for the batch

  4. Submission-level information: in case two or more submissions are applicable for a batch, they’d be present as click-able links in the batch level table, and each row in the table expandable batch-level card will contain submission specific information

  5. Information in the screens below would only be visible in case rate-cards are applicable for those batches (you could still view associated transactions in the transactions table)

Submission level view

  1. Submission-level information, such as delivery date, #frames, #annotations, credits consumed can be viewed in the numbers available in the second ribbon

  2. Differences in numbers in case of rework (via multiple submissions) can be viewed inside round brackets

  3. Rate-card applicable for the batch can be viewed via View Rate Card

  4. Rate Cards: defined as per the basis of the engagement

  5. The below given views would only be visible only for submission batches for which rate cards are applicable

  6. The submitted jobs table contains information at a job-level granularity, which you can now export to your local system via the Export CSV button

Transactions table:

Transactions table contains the history of all transactions applicable for your engagement with Playment, see below to note nuances:

  1. Amount: Red/Green and signs for credit/debit transactions, and overall balance available in grey text below

  2. Date: Transaction date

  3. Additionally, transactions would be searchable by their names/transactions IDs

Last updated